Aidilfitri Marathon II

Hi! Its not to late to wish all the Muslim Happy Eid! Maaf Zahir Batin yeah~ Hehe.. Starting from 1st Eid until 4th Eid, I'm just baking and keep baking special for this big Eid's orders. Feel so tired but I do enjoy these moments. I'm feeling so
happy when all my customers throw a big appreciation towards my works. Thanks
so much for the big orders guys! Alhamdulillah!

Ordered by Aimi from Ipoh special for her Eid celebration. Thanks Aimi!


Flavour: Red Velvet

Size: Medium

Quantity: 25 pcs souffle cups

Deco: Flowery Cheese Cream

Theme: Syawal 2011

Testimony: red velvet anda sedapppp :) mekasehh cik lela

Tq cik aimi :) 


Ordered by Hanie from Ipoh special for her Eid celebration. Thanks Hanie!


Flavour: Red Velvet with Cheese Cream

Weight: 2.0 kg

Deco: Cheese Cream

Last minute order by makcik Syida..hehe..for celebrating her mom's birthday..Tq makcik!


Flavour: Red Velvet with Cheese Cream

Weight: 2.0 kg

Deco: Cheese Cream

Theme: Birthday

 Testimony: Lela tq cake. Smua org ckp sdp. Not too sweet and not too creamy.

Tq makcik!